Friday, October 13, 2006

The Art of Watching Your Back

I have grown to realize, in the 10 years I've been employed with The Manufacturing Plant, the single most important thing in the success of your career is how skillfully you are able to Watch Your Back.

On the production floor NOBODY is your friend. Even the person who has sat across from you at lunch time, sharing their snacks and goodies with you for the past 6 years, will toss you to the wolves if they serve to benefit from it. In my time I've seen families torn apart, husbands and wives bitterly divorced, arch enemies created from a single glance.

Survival of the fittest takes on new meaning.

I'm always amazed to see certain individuals in action. For some unknown reason, they believe themselves to be in stealth mode, when in actuality, they couldn't be more obvious if they were wearing a sign taped to their back that read "I'm up to no good."

Give me a little credit here people! Like I'm not going to notice that we have worked together for years without so much as a single word passed between us, and suddenly you act as if you are my new best friend?

Which brings me to the events of my day. Like most of the days since The New Guy has been hired, I was pulled aside by The New Guy to chit chat about his fascination with the Ebola virus and how New Mexico always has an outbreak of Bubonic Plague every year. Why does he think I am even remotely interested in this conversation? I have no clue. Yet, there I am, trapped within his evil grasp, hoping and praying someone will happen across us and save me. Naturally, I know this will not occur, he's The New Guy, NOBODY wants to be seen talking to the new guy. We will be avoided like the Bubonic Plague.

Today, however, I happen to see Sophia cruising by talking to one of the purchasers. Sliding me a somewhat quizzical glance, I know Sophia thinks something is up with the new found friendship with the purchaser. In 6 years, this woman hasn't so much as given her the time of day, and suddenly, they are long lost friends.

Something is up!

People have been popping out of the woodwork today, all of them suddenly friendly and helpful. Even Allison has been buddying up to me today, it makes my skin crawl. Any time Allison buddies up to anyone it means trouble, pure and simple. Her last friend found herself escorted out of the building with a white box in tow, never to be seen from again.

Nothing happens within this plant without a purpose, and as God is my witness, I will find out the truth behind Sophia's and my sudden popularity.

I mean, after all, wasn't it just last week that Sophia and I were NOT invited to the pizza party? The pizza party that had been kept a complete secret by all until 2 minutes before it took place? The pizza party where everyone suddenly discovered 'oh, you mean you weren't invited'?


Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend, I'll be seeing you Monday on The Production Floor.


Anonymous said...

All i have to say is that try to be more friendly and you might have some friend to watch you back for you.
If you know that you are going to have a conversation with The New Guy about the same thing every day find out about it and make an interesting comment, you have the Internet look it up it will take 5 mins and you will seam more friendly.

The Production Manager said...

albie, you are too nice of a guy! A factory job would eat you alive.

milk, I'm sure they can't stand you either. ;)