Monday, November 27, 2006

Back to work....

Nothing like a 4 day holiday weekend to rest, relax, forget about the production floor problems of the day!

But, like all impossibly wonderful dreams, it has to come to an end. And, here we are again, another day on the production floor.

Crazy Office Supply Jody is wearing a black micro mini skirt today, it looks as if someone has literally painted it on. To top it off, no hose. Bare legs.

I happened across Crazy Office Supply Jody while I was out and about returning suspect material to one of the floor people, Jody was sitting in a chair, legs facing the production cell. Her skirt, nearly invisible. If I hadn't been standing, I'm certain I would have been able to look right in and see her panties.

Absolutely not the way I wanted to start my day.

Moments after I had arrived on 'official' work business, Julie had received a page from the front office. Because I respect other peoples privacy, and would hate to violate any trust I would have with her, I listened to every word spoken and pretended not to hear a thing, just waiting for my chance to tell Sophia how Jody had been reprimanded on the phone by the Director of Operations for

a) not actually working while she is supposed to be. She is the executive secretary, after all.

b)being on the production floor to begin with, her duties have nothing at all to do with production.

c)her choice of clothing for the day.

It was only a matter of seconds before she hung up the phone and clicked away back up to the front office. If my guess is correct, I have a feeling the cell manager placed a call to the Director of Operations and informed him of the situation.

All in all, it has been a pretty quiet day today. The production managers had limited discussions in the meeting to weekend festivities, The New Guy is not speaking to me, and Hedda Hopper is currently occupied with informing anyone she can about her new van.

Although it has not yet been talked about, I do see a scandal happening in the near future. As I had mentioned, my Partner in Crime has put in his 2 weeks notice. For the production floor, this means all out war. Anyone and everyone will be battling to the death to acquire his fiefdom. While the position has yet to be posted, I do know Allison has her watery little eyes all over it. She's just DYING to become a full fledged production manager. I also know the previous production manager has put in a bid to regain his kingdom as well.

Only time will tell, and, it'll be quite a show.

If I were to lay odds, Allison will be the one to get the job. She's sneaky, back stabbing, and ass kissing material to the core.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, you lost me at mini skirt and something about probably being able to see her panties...

Hope Thanksgiving was awesome!

The Production Manager said...

I knew you would get a kick out of this post! :D

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. I've become predictable again!

So, I forced myself to skip past the mini skirt to the real meat of the topic...two ideas...1. New Guy gets the job? LOL! Sorry, had to mess with you. 2. Maybe I will apply! Everyone likes working with RockDog...I mean, I'm not qualified, but ym sense of humor should win me over with the people...right?

The Production Manager said...

You could be my new partner in crime.... I could totally see that.

As for The New Guy, I'm certain he would fall prey to some 'unfortunate' work related accident that would leave him unable to perform those duties. >:]

Anonymous said...

Cool! Be on the lookout for me resume. It will be the one on a folded napkin. By the way, those are ketchup stains.