I arrive at work today with my farewell gift to My Partner in Crime - a gift card from Starbucks, a large cup of Bold Starbucks coffee, a bag of house blend Starbucks ground coffee, and one of the metal insulated coffee cups that have been all the rage on the production floor. Sophia, Hedda, and I had all pitched in and I stopped to pick up the goods.
Immediately one of the receiving girls yells over at me as I pass "Hey, is that coffee for me?" She's laughing, I'm literally disgusted. She makes my skin crawl.
"No, this is for My Partner in Crime, I got it for his last day," I kept going. I purposely did not say anything to them because this gift was to be just from 'The Thugs' as he had affectionately grown to know us as.
Going over the goods with Sophia and Hedda, I had Hedda page My Partner in Crime to give him his gift.
Enter attention WHORES here:
The receiving girl who had made the comment moments before immediately shows up at my desk. It couldn't be more obvious what she's up to, she's horning in on the farewell gift. Naturally, My Partner in Crime shows up because we have paged him, Betty hot on his heels.
Not knowing what else to do, I present him with the farewell gift and tell him it is from myself and my thugs. He's touched, he loves the gift, and gives us all a hug. Even Overthetop Receiver and Betty.
I was pissed, I wanted to choke the very life right out of them. This had NOTHING to do with them AT ALL!! Overthetop Receiver, who I might add weighs about 300lbs, ended up falling backwards on a skid of components and crushed the hell out of one of the boxes. I was too pissed to even laugh at her.
I should be used to this, I really should, but I still get outraged every time something like this happens. These are the women who hide all of the Halloween candy when it comes in with packages, these are the women who intentionally kept myself and Sophia out of the pizza party, these are the women who continually bitch about each other to me, and then bitch to me about each other.
Then have the nerve to take up a collection for MY farewell gift, after the fact, because they had taken credit for it.
Women without class, pure and simple. I'm still infuriated.
On with the story...
Today is My Partner in Crime's last day with the production floor, so, as a final farewell, I played my last practical joke upon him. After I had presented him with the hot, fresh Starbucks coffee, I sent him the below picture attached to an email that simply stated:
Mmmmmm........ How's that coffee?? Taste Good??
He's definitely going to miss us!

Is that a real toilet...that people use??? Ewwwwwwwwww!
yes, indeed, it is a REAL toilet. Many thanks to that gross old gas station I was able to secure the picture in.
Our water is green...why?
Oh, I've worked in too many places that looked a lot like that! It's nothing new, but still shocks me anytime I see it. Clean bathrooms is one of my pet peeves! LOL!
Yikes! Green water..... makes you wonder.
I get urges to tear my clothes off, but not to save the world exactly... :D
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