The EIG group has coordinated a hot dog cookout for the production floor today.
A great idea!!
One catch, it is blizzarding so hard outside you can't see the smoke shack from the entrance door, a span of maybe 20 ft.
Because the show must go on, the EIG group has decided to set up the grill and a couple of carts loaded with food right on the handicap ramp, apparently the shelter from the snow is much more necessary then the ability of Jason, the guy in the WHEELCHAIR, to be able to make his way through the building.
All morning it has been a 'Who's Who' of the production floor. Anyone that's anybody has been on that ramp, hanging out, pretending to be important, looking like a jack ass.
What can I say, if I worked with people who had half a brain, we would all be in trouble.
GQ, Sophia, and I have discovered one of the Quality Tech's has an obsession with on of the production engineers. Apparently, according to her, she and the production engineer in question have shared several past lives together, as lovers. She is currently awaiting her opportunity to be his lover in this life.
Can we say Crazy Stalker?
In the midst of this conversation, I had admitted to Sophia and GQ that I had been to a psychic before, and I had been told that, in my previous life, I was a nun named Barbara.
It was at this point that Obsessive Compulsive Ted had wandered by my desk, on the other side of the wall, and had apparently been shocked by this revelation. No sooner had the phrase passed through my lips then Obsessive Compulsive Ted's head popped up over the cubicle wall with shock and disbelief written across his crimson face.
"No way.... You were a NUN? No way.... I just can't believe that," the more he spoke, the redder his face got, the more he laughed.
"I'm serious, she said I was a nun," Sophia and I were laughing, GQ raised his eyebrows and looked at Ted.
"Well, I have to say, I'm baffled that someone who was a nun in a previous life would turn into YOU in this life," we all had to laugh at this, even GQ.
"You never know GQ, you and I could have been lovers in a past life," smiling, Sophia winked at GQ, waiting for his reaction.
Almost on que, his face turned beat red and began to laugh out of control.
"Well, something sure did change from that life to this. I don't think that version would go over to well with Larry in this life," still laughing, GQ was practically fleeing from our desks. He never does well in conversations of sexuality.
It has been decided that I will pull one last, grand finale, prank on My Partner in Crime, Monday. I know he has a love of Starbucks coffee, and with this, I will get my ultimate revenge. Sophia has been kind enough to give me an empty coffee cup to pull off my scheme.
I have deftly taken this cup and floated it in the grossest toilet I could find. The bowl is literally brown with hard water stains and lack of cleaning. Using my digital camera, I have snapped a picture of this cup in preparation for the next step in the prank.
Next, on Monday, I will present to My Partner in Crime, his going away gift. A nice, stainless steel, coffee mug with a bag of Starbucks coffee beans. I will also present to him one fresh cup of Starbucks coffee that I have just purchased from Starbucks on the way in to work.
The final part of the prank is the key part, the part that will win me the Nobel prize. Once I am certain he has at least consumed a portion of the fresh coffee, I will send him the photo that I have taken, the only caption on the photo will be "How does the coffee taste?"
I can't help it, just thinking about it makes me crack up.
Friday, December 01, 2006
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1 comment:
I have to side with the devil on this one and say that a good BBQ over rules the need for anyone, handicapped or not, to enter/exit a building. Cooked meat is a priority in life.
The joke sounds like it will be awesome!!! Can't wait to hear the results!
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