Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Natives are Restless

As with any production floor, change comes painfully and aggressively.

With the new business model, dictated by our new owners, also comes a new corporate structure. Where once my corporation consisted of 4 plants located in 4 different states, 2 of which fighting over corporate control, it now consists of many, many different plants located in many different countries, each and every one of them managing their own destiny.

Scary..... yet vindicating at the same time. It's about time.

The president of our new company, the vice president of North American operations, and a few other members of the upper crust were in house last Thursday for the official welcome ceremony.

As much as I would like to welcome them all with open arms and say "It's about fucking time!" I also feel hesitant in the situation, too many years of financial hardship and cut backs have hardened me. I've learned to not truly see anything as 'good', because, deep inside every single act of generosity is always a seed of evil.

Being a production manager has opened my eyes to this world. I see what happens behind the scenes, the conversations that occur, the reason behind everything. 'Spin a positive approach on the subject' they say.....

Little do they know how much it tears me apart inside to do such a thing when I KNOW it is not for a positive reason at all.

Alas, I digress... That was then, this is now.

So, the upper crust was in the plant on Thursday for our official welcoming ceremony. In the cafeteria we all sat, sweating our asses off, listening intently as one of the most charismatic people I've had witness to observe tell me about how wonderful his company is and how excited he was to have us all join his 'family'.

I wanted so badly to be able to think everything is going to be better from this point forward, but I can't. I just can't.

Only time will tell, and, I shall be traveling with a guarded heart.

I have also learned that I will be working for a new boss. The departments I head, in the new regime, no longer belong to the Quality group, we will at some point be listed as a Materials function. I anxiously await the announcement of who my new boss will be. Because this position had not existed under the old regime, we all sit on pins and needles waiting to see who will be the new Materials Manager.

I will be forced to quit my job if Big Dog is the individual nominated for this position. There is no way I could work for such a malcontent degenerate once again.

God have mercy on my soul.


Elizabeth Evans Fryer said...

Good luck with everything, Phoebe. Will you and Sophia still share an office? I'd hate for the new company to split up a good team :)

I'm so glad you started writing again. I missed reading about the trials and the daily goings-on on The Production Floor.

I understand your anxiety about the new company, but try to think the best instead of the worst. Maybe you'll get a boss you really like. Think of the possibilities besides Big Dog. Any good ones? You, perhaps?

Sophia said...

Time will tell,if big dog get's the job we are all in trouble.I have had him for a boss and could not wait to transfer.We must have a good outlook!

Sophia said...
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The Production Manager said...

elizabeth, I'm certain sophia and I will be sharing a work space for quite some time to come! :) No need to worry on that.