Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The plant is on it's way to closing

Oct 31 is it for everyone.The main support group are leaving one by one.Very few left.Our last build out is this month.Alot of people are going back to school to learn a new trade.Phobe will go back to school winter after she has her baby(which is a girl Hannah) I'm not sure what I will do.
We still have alot of laugh's around her at the people.We are having a steak dinner tomarrow for 2nd shift due them being done Aug 24.GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF THEM!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Evans Fryer said...

Hi Sophia (or J.),

I just saw your comments to my travel story posted a month ago. It's not informing me when I get comments. You asked if I had ever seen Cash Cab. Yeah, my husband and I like it, but he doesn't like NYC, so we'll not go back, I guess. And when we were there, we never took a cab but walked everywhere. Alas, we'll never be on the show.

How is the job hunt coming?

If you want, you can e-mail me rather than communicating through the comment sections of our respective blogs. You can get to my email address on MyLostSummer blog, then choosing the "My Lost Summer" link at the top of the right-hand column, and then at the bottom of any page in the Website in my e-address.