Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Turning Over a New Leaf

The Production Manager is no more.......

Sofia and I have been out of work now for almost a year and so much has happened.

To start it off, we have both decided to go back to school! Imagine that! Never in my wildest dreams could I have concieved the notion I would be a college student in my mid thirties.

Believe me, it has been an eye opening experience.

While I was initially worried I would be the oldest student in all of my classes, I have since discovered that I'm actually the median age. What I had thought would be a tough road to travel has actually been quite smooth, I'm so glad I've taken on this new challenge.

And my fellow classmates!! Post material for years to come......

Then there is the homefront. I've had my baby and she is nearly 10 months old now. It's amazing how much you can forget about being a mother of a tiny infant. I finally have a daughter. So tiny, so cute, so many emerging teeth.....

Funny how a burping, farting, pooping, biting machine can win your heart over without so much as a single effort. If a 40 year old were exhibiting the same behaviors you would be recoiling in horror just at the sight of him.

I also have a high schooler now. My oldest son is in 9th grade and I have suddenly become a social parriah. We can no longer be seen in public together and it is socially unacceptable for him to sit in the front seat when we drive places. I gain pleasure from this new twist on things, however, by hugging him in public and asking him if he's got any armpit hair yet at the dinner table.

Might as well have a little fun with it while I can!

And my youngest son.... My little guy. As much as I try not to I can't help buy favor him. Always hugging me, always telling me he loves me. I'm taking advantage of every moment I can.

I could go on, but I think I'll save more for future posts. It's time for Sophia and I to catch everyone up on the new developments.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

Sounds like a horror story,keep trying!